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      Views: 8.850

15-05-2023 11:16
Catching sight of a squirrel in the White House garden brings a sense of joy to visitors of all ages
11-08-2022 10:07
The squirrels in the White House garden seem to enjoy the attention from tourists and locals alike
24-01-2022 09:32
Squirrels are a common sight in the White House garden, adding charm to the iconic surroundings
08-10-2020 07:42
The history and grandeur of the White House make it a must-visit destination for tourists
23-07-2019 04:14
The White House in Washington is an iconic symbol of American power and democracy
28-07-2018 07:23
The White House stands as a symbol of American resilience and strength, surrounded by its lush garden
09-11-2016 08:51
Squirrels frolicking in the White House garden add a touch of whimsy to the historic landmark
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